Networking is a critical aspect of increasing your business. It is the beginning of a relationship, which often needs to be nurtured to build respect and trust. In addition to be associated with your business in people’s minds, they also have to feel positively towards you. This encourages them to make contact when they have a need or opportunity to use your services. Attending events enables you to raise your visibility by assisting people to associate you with your business, and it gives you the opportunity to begin and nurture relationships with potential new customers.

Showcase your business!
Host an after-hours Get Connected Event!
Get Connected Events help business owners raise awareness of their businesses and increase their customers. Give other chamber business owners and locals the opportunity to visit your offices or storefront and see the products and services you provide, firsthand. Held after business hours at your location, you provide the refreshments and the Chamber will handle the invites and announcements. Contact the Windsor Chamber to arrange a date to host your own Get Connected Event.
Networking is one of the most effective way to build your business. As a chamber member you have several opportunities to network each month. Most of these activities will enable you to mingle with other local business owners as well as local residents. Chamber sponsored events include:

Grand Opening or Reopening Celebrations for businesses new to the Windsor Chamber of Commerce

Monthly Evening gatherings that showcase individual businesses who host them

Monthly Speakers on relevant business and community topics at a local venue

An event to increase exposure and awareness of the member businesses in Windsor

A celebration of the best that the businesses in Windsor have to offer