
Get Involved! Committee chairs are always looking for additional members to help them with the various duties and activities associated with their committee. Some of the committees are in charge of key Chamber events and begin planning them months before they happen. Other committees focus on infrastructure and community information.
Committee Chair
Gary Stribling
Contact Info
Gary Stribling
W Real Estatee
(707) 888-8655
This committee is made of several locals recruited for their enthusiasm and dedication to assist the Chamber in a variety of tasks from recruiting new members and retaining existing members to coordinating networking events. Ambassadors act as liaisons for the larger Chamber sponsored events and often assist onsite at events like the Business Expo or Chili Cook-Off.
Committee Chair
Shawn Nichols
Contact Info
Pack Ship & More / FASTSIGNS
W (707) 838-3727
This annual event is executed by the Business Expo Committee who start the planning months before the actual event. The logistics, recruitment of participating businesses and sponsor, and the marketing are all part of this committee’s responsibility.
Beer & Wine
Committee Chair
Board & Staff
Contact Info
W (707) 838-7285
Many of the Chamber’s events include the sale of beer and wine and this committee handles the coordination of the related details. Donations of beer and wine for Chamber sponsored events is also handled by this committee.
Committee Chair
Duffy Conneely & Jen Richards
Contact Info
Conneely Family Cremation & Funeral Services
W (707) 838-8883
Sonoma County Tourism
W (707) 331-3372
This annual competition features local teams making chili as well as a variety of other activities for visitors and locals to enjoy. The Chili-Cook Off Committee handles logistics, suppliers, vendors, contestants, sponsors, judging, marketing, bands and visitor tickets and entry. This committee meets regularly several months before the event to manage the many details involved.
Committee Chair
David Mohle
Contact Info
Accent Printing
W (707) 570-1444
The Chamber Board is a key decision-making body for the Chamber and those who serve on it are carefully selected. The Election Committee handles the recruitment of new board members and the transition of existing members.
Committee Chair
Board & Staff
Contact Info
W (707) 838-7285
Each Windsor Chamber Lunch, held the third Tuesday of each month at Charlie’s Restaurant on the Windsor Golf Course, features a speaker or two on relevant local and business topics. The speakers range from county and town officials to leaders from the business and non-profit sectors. This committee selects the speakers, makes the necessary arrangements and handles any follow-up.
Committee Chair
Contact Info
Business Affiliation
W (707)
The annual Sherri Kaplan Kahn Scholarship Program is for Children of Chamber Members or employed by Chamber Members. The committee manages the application, selection and award process. Applications are available in February and March for the Scholarship awarded in May. Applicants must be a senior graduating within the Windsor Unified School District and have one parent/legal guardian who owns or is employed by a Windsor Chamber member business or be employed themselves by a member business.
Committee Chair
Contact Info
Business Affiliation
W (707)
This committee works to make and keep Windsor green. Updates on these efforts can be found on the chamber website and in the chamber newsletters.
Committee Chair
Board & Staff
Contact Info
(707) 838-7285
The Windsor Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Website updates and maintenance is the focus of this committee. The website includes a member directory, an events calendar, and detail about the many visitor activities and local events going on in the Town of Windsor.